Pop Brothers from Glasgow World Premium Tour in Japan
2013年10月20日(日)東京・渋谷 7th FLOOR ノーカット、アンコール含む
Noman Blake&Eugene Kelly&Duglas T Stewart &Plectrum
Cinematography by Hiroki Kawai,Tomoya Shinmi,Norihito Segawa
Editing by Hiroki kawai(http://poolsidenagaya.com/)
Pop Brothers from Glasgow World Premiere Tour in Japan
日時:2013.10.20 Sun. 開場 4:30pm/映画上映 5:00pm/開演 7:00pm
会場:東京・渋谷7th FLOOR
photo by Ryo Mitamura 三田村 亮
01.The Sailor's Song (BMX Bandits)
02.Start Again (Teenage Fanclub)
03.I'm Done With Drugs (EUGENE KELLY)
04.Serious Drugs (BMX Bandits)
05.Students of Life (BMX Bandits)
06.Dumb Dumb Dumb (Teenage Fanclub)
07.Jesus Christ (Teenage Fanclub)
08.You're Having My Sex (EUGENE KELLY)
09.Circling The Sun (Jonny)
10.So Many Colours (BMX Bandits)
11.Children Song with Miette-One (BMX Bandits)
12.Did I Say (Teenage Fanclub)
13.I Don't Want Control Of You (Teenage Fanclub)
14.Older Faster (EUGENE KELLY)
15.Dear John (EUGENE KELLY)
16.Disco Girl (BMX Bandits)
17.Planets (Teenage Fanclub)
18.River Clyde Song (EUGENE KELLY)
19.Baby Lee (Teenage Fanclub)
20.Little Hands (BMX Bandits)
21.Molly's Lips (The Vaselines)
encore (with PLECTRUM)
22.E102 (BMX Bandits)
23.The Concept(Teenage Fanclub)
24.Son of a gun (The Vaselines)
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